
Wing Chun Society
Wing Chun Society Canada

The Director of the Wing Chun Society Canada and Wales is Master Eric Li (Li Yun Tung) Sifu Li is one of the most senior Wing Chun instructors teaching today, having studied solely under Sigung Master Ip Ching (son of Ip Man) since 1973. He is a former director of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong, and has co-wrote books on the art, including an extremely detailed study on the wooden dummy (Mook Yan Jong Sum Faat) a history of Ip Man and the now hard-to-come by Ving Tsun Bible, co written with Sigung Ip Ching.

Eric moved to Vancouver Canada from Hong Kong in 1997, where he teaches from his home to a small group of trusted teachers and students.

Eric has a keen eye for detail and will pick up on the even the slightest of errors, he has trained the system for over 45 years and knows it well. His humble but thorough approach will ensure that the system is passed down accurately for future generations.

Dave Eric Stuart

Left: Sifu Dave Thomas, Wing Chun Society Port Talbot
Sifu Li Yun Tung (Eric Li), Wing Chun Society Canada
Sifu Stuart Mackinnon, Wing Chun Society Swansea

Wing Chun Society Swansea
Swansea Wing Chun Logo

Sifu: Stuart Mackinnon

Sifu Stuart Mackinnon started Wing Chun in 1997 and opened his first school in Feb 2002. In April 2004 he chose to study under Master  Li Yun Tung (Eric Li) and was lucky enough to be accepted as his student, he has covered the full system under his guidance and now represents the Wing Chun Society in the UK. 

His aim is to teach Wing Chun to like-minded individuals free from the dogma of commercialism in martial arts.

For further info on training in the Swansea area contact:
Stuart on email or call 07703 575732

Wing Chun Society Port Talbot
ptwc logo

Sifu: Dave Thomas
dave T chop

Sifu Dave Thomas runs The Wing Chun Society in his home town of Port Talbot, South Wales and is fully committed to passing on the art in its entirety.
Dave received his instructor certification directly with Sifu Li and Sifu Mackinnon in 2010.  
and passed his Sifu certification directly with Sifu Li and Sifu Mackinnon in October 2012.

Sifu Marc Tanner
Marc has been training at PTWC since September 2012 and has proven himself over the years to be a dedicated Instructor capable of passing on the system. He has a good understanding of the Principles and Concepts of Wing Chun and how to tailor his approach to the individual when teaching it. He earned his Sifu Qualification in 2020


Sifu Marc Tanner
Left: Sifu Marc Tanner, Wing Chun Society Port Talbot
Right: Sifu Dave Thomas